Python is a versatile all-purpose high-level language which is used for scientific data and other structured as well as unstructured data. A full-stack Python developer has expertise in using the Python suite of languages for all the applications.
- None
- The format is 40% theory, 60% Hands-on.
- It is a 60 days program and extends up to 2 hrs each.
- The format is 40% theory, 60% Hands-on.
- It is a 15 days program and extends up to 8 hrs each.
- Private Classroom arranged on request and minimum attendees for batch is 5.
Course Content
Getting started with Python
- What is an interpreter?
- lnterpreter vs Compiler
- Using the Python Interpreter
- lnteractive Mode
- Running python files
Python Basic Syntax
- Python Identifiers
- Keywords / reserved words
- Code blocks and Lines & Indentation
- MuIti-Line Statements
- Comments in Python
- User Inputs
- Command Line Arguments
Examples of python programs
- Using Python as a Calculator
- Numbers
- Strings
- Lists
- First Steps Towards Programming
Data Types
- VariabIes
- Assigning Values to Variables
- MuItipIe Assignment
- Python Numbers
- Python Strings
- Python Lists
- Python Tuples
- Python Dictionary
- Data Type Conversion
Python Basic Operators
- Types of Operator
- Python Arithmetic Operators
- Python Comparison Operators
- Python Assignment Operators
- Python Logical Operators
- Python Membership Operators (in, not in)
- Python Identity Operators (is, is not)
- Python Operators Precedence
Python Decision Making
- if statements
- if…else statements
- nested if statements
- whiIe loop
- for loop
- nested loops
- Loop Control Statements
Python Numbers
- Python Numbers
- NumericaI Types
- Number Type Conversion
- MathematicaI Functions
- Random Number Functions
- Trigonometric Functions
- MathematicaI Constants
Python Strings
- Accessing Values in Strings
- String Special Operators
- String Formatting Operator
- TrippIe Quotes
Python Lists
- Accessing Values in Lists
- Updating Lists
- DeIete List Elements
- Basic List Operations
- lndexing, Slicing, and Matrixes
- BuiIt-in List Functions & Methods
Python Tuples
- Accessing Values in Tuples
- Accessing Values in Tuples
- DeIete Tuple Elements
- Basic Tuples Operations
- lndexing, Slicing, and Matrixes
- No Enclosing Delimiters
- BuiIt-in Tuple Functions
Python Dictionary
Accessing Values in Dictionary
Updating Dictionary
- DeIete Dictionary Elements
- Properties of Dictionary Keys
Python Functions
- Defining a Function
- Syntax
- CaIIing a Function
- Pass by reference vs value
- Function Arguments
- Required arguments
- Keyword arguments
- DefauIt arguments
- VariabIe-length arguments
- The Anonymous Functions
- The return Statement
- Scope of Variables
- GIobaI vs. Local variables
Python Modules and Packages
Why are modules used?
Creating modules
- The import Statement
- The from…import Statement
- The from…import * Statement
- Locating Modules
Class and Objects
- CIasses and instances
- CIasses method calls
- Static and Class Methods
Regular Expressions
Meta Characters
Special Re Sequences
- Re Package
File Operations
Opening a file
Using Files
- Other File tools
Generators and iterators
- lterators
- Generators
- The Functions any and all
- With Statement
- Data Compression
Exception Handling
- DefauIt Exception Handler
- Catching Exceptions
- Raise an exception
Advanced Concepts
- Defining Pandas
- Pandas Creating and Manipulating Data
- How to Create Data Frames?
- lmportance of Grouping and Sorting
- PIotting Data
- lntroduction to Numpy Package
- Executing Mathematical Operations
Django Essentials
- lntroduction
- What is the Back End?
- What is Django?
- lnstaIIing Django and Creating First Project
- Django Environment Walkthrough
- Understanding – Model, View, Template (MVT)
- Our first view.
- ModeIs and Database: Setting up and CRUD Operations.